Office hours

Meet with me about a course you're enrolled in this term.

Chat or check-in

Chat or check in with me about some aspect of your research or anything else you'd like to talk with me about. Please include details you'd like me to be aware of in advance when you fill out the booking form, or send me an email to help me plan and/or prepare.

Project meeting

Discuss or provide and update on a lab project. Please share a Google Doc with an agenda and key notes and/or figures prior to our meeting.

Other (30 minutes)

Meet for 30 minutes about something other than a check-in or project. Please note in the booking form any details you'd like me to be aware of in advance of the meeting.

Other (45 minutes)

Meet for 45 minutes about something other than a check-in or project. Please note in the booking form any details you'd like me to be aware of in advance of the meeting.

Other (1 hr)

Meet for 1 hour about something other than a check-in or project. Please note in the booking form any details you'd like me to be aware of in advance of the meeting.